
The structure study, condition and 10 kV electric networks reliability level in the Irkutsk region for the period from 2016 to 2020 is carried out. The analysis is based on real data on the studied electric networks published in the open press. The Interactive Matlab system libraries and interfaces were used to calculate and analyze the studied indicator. The considered electric networks structure has investigated, algorithms and computer programs for the Matlab graphic editor are compiled with the help which changes time diagrams in the failures number, the interruptions time and the under-output electricity amount for each year months are constructed. The year months in which the highest damage occurs were determined. The electrical networks wear is considered, as well as the repair plan implementation for the main equipment. The reliability level according to the established indicators has analyzed, the main reasons for equipment failure are considered. The characteristics of improving considered electrical networks functioning are presented. Based on the conducted studies, it was found that the most damaged the considered overhead lines elements are: wires, supports, insulators, and switching devices. The characteristic reasons that lead to their damage are: wind load, damage to switching devices. The greatest damage is the Angarsky and Irkutsky branches networks characteristic (the average annual value all failures are 26.4 and 23.9%). The Kirensky and Cheremkhovsky branches networks are the least damaged annually. The obtained data probabilistic-statistical and correlation analysis, as well as the emergency outages risks analysis for the future, taking into account the seasonal component, is carried out.

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