
The article describes the conflict between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, two Caucasian states with the so-called the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, which is part of Azerbaijan, inhabited and ruled for many years by Armenians. In addition to a more detailed approximation of the background of the conflict and the current role of international organizations in its resolution, the article discusses the circumstances of the creation and history of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which was established, among other things, to prevent and resolve conflicts among its signatories, including Armenia and Azerbaijan. The article makes a legal classification of Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenia as a violation of the OBUZ treaty regulations and presents the legal consequences of this. It also contains a negative assessment of the current role of CSTO in settling the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and a negative assessment of the Treaty’s real capacity to fulfill its functions, especially in the light of the current international situation and the current political situation in Armenia.

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