
The corrosion reaction of iron in acid solutions have been studied by means of chemical kinetics. The cathodes of local cells in iron are oxygen electrodes at higher pH than 4 and hydrogen electrodes at lower pH than 4. The corrosion ersistivity of metals K is related to the standard electrode potential EM0 and the specific reaction rate constant of hydrogen electrode K1 by the expression(This article is not displayable. Please see full text pdf.) \ oindentwhere n is the valency of metal ions. 1>α>0, T the absolute temperature and R and F are universal constants. There seems to be some relation between K and the work function of metals. The general Eq. of corrosion rate are as follows:(This article is not displayable. Please see full text pdf.) \ oindentwhere β is a constant of the anode film, β≥1, C is the concentration of adsorbed water molecule on metals, DM is the diffusion constant of metal ions and δm the thickness of diffusion layer.

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