
The authors of the article state that the content of the concept of professional culture of a military musician is due to the specific characteristics of his professional activity (both in peacetime and in wartime). In the article, the professional culture of military musicians is interpreted as a synergetic set of individually mastered professionally oriented knowledge, professionally applied skills, skills, competencies, abilities to follow professional deontological principles for the qualitative performance of their professional duties. The authors of the article believe that the process of forming a professional culture of a military musician at a university can be considered as one of the fundamental conditions for the formation and development of the personality of a future officer as a highly qualified specialist capable of performing his functional duties at the highest possible level. The authors consider a complex of professionally important qualities of a military musician, which are classified as a meaningful component of the professional culture of this specialist soldier. Among the professionally important qualities of a military musician, the following are especially distinguished: discipline (a high level of self-discipline), ultimate responsibility, developed willpower, moral stamina, physical endurance, restraint, collectivism (teamwork skills, which makes it possible to perfect the ensemble performance of military-musical, patriotic works), quick response to changes in the situation, stress resistance. Particular attention is paid to the interpersonal relationships of cadets who are part of the military brass band, the development of their skills and abilities of cooperation, team interaction as important components of the professional culture of military musicians.

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