
Political processes in the modern world cannot be considered in isolation from the mass media, the role and importance of which are indisputable. In this regard, the topic of mediatization of the political sphere has taken an important place in scientific research, which analyzes the problems of interaction of politics with information and communication channels. The expansion of the networks and the improvement of information and communication technologies open up prospects for a higher level of integration of politics and mass media. The arsenal of this integration is being replenished with new ways and forms of interaction that strengthen the mutual influence of mass media and politics. This process is further enhanced by new media, such as social networks, the blogosphere, podcasts, which are beginning to play an important communicative role in society. The mediatization of politics in the digital age leads to the ordering of information by group interests, acts as a filter on the way of spreading unacceptable information. It creates a space where the audience receives information about politics in an adapted form, with symbols, etc. Thus, political media communications in the digital age do not only record and analyze political processes, but also directly affect them. These channels play an important role in the process of political socialization of the individual, in the formation of public opinion regarding the events of the political life of society, which actualizes the study of problems in the field of interaction between politics and mass media.

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