
The article presents the problems of overcoming of educational losses through the prism of normative regulation and planning of the post-war development of higher education in Ukraine. It is noted that in the conditions of hostilities, the problem of moving a significant number of participants of educational process to safer regions within Ukraine and abroad has become urgent. It is noted that the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine provides regulatory and legal support for the functioning of education and science system and issues orders on the securement of safe educational environment, the organization of education, the educational process, etc., which are not regulated by law during martial law, emergency or state of emergency (special period). The article proposes the development of the National Program for Overcoming the Educational Losses and Educational Gaps, which will be effective both during the period of martial law (special period) and after its end and will provide for the improvement of legislation, the definition of the terms “educational losses” and “educational gaps”, will establish the obligation of monitoring the quality of higher education, analysis and introduction of security components for higher education, in particular in the field of distance learning and components of psychological assistance for students, teachers and staff.

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