
Copper oxide on alumina is often used as oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion owing to its very high reduction rates at lower temperatures and its very good mechanical and chemical stability at temperatures below 1000°C. In this work, the redox behaviour of CuO/Al2O3 has been studied in great detail together with the redox behaviour of CuO/SiO2 to identify the main phenomena affecting the observed redox kinetics. Combination of TGA results with detailed characterisation with XRD of the oxygen carriers at different stages during the redox cycling allowed elucidating the causes for the sudden decrease in the reaction rate observed at higher conversions for the CuO/Al2O3 oxygen carriers. The main results of the study can be summarized as: i) oxidation reaction reaches always full conversion independent of the reaction temperature; ii) reduction reaction reaches only full conversion at very high temperatures, showing a significant decrease in the reaction rate at lower temperatures at higher particle conversions; iii) the observed sudden decrease in the reduction rate is related to the spinel reduction of CuAl2O4 and CuAlO2.

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