
Abstract The aim of this chapter is to explain how one can obtain information regarding the membership of a classical weight one eigenform in a Hida family from the geometry of the Eigencurve at the corresponding point. We show, in passing, that all classical members of a Hida family, including those of weight one, share the same local type at all primes dividing the level. 1. Introduction Classical weight one eigenforms occupy a special place in the correspondence between Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations since they yield two dimensional Artin representations with odd determinant. The construction of those representations by Deligne and Serre [5] uses congruences with modular forms of higher weight. The systematic study of congruences between modular forms has culminated in the construction of the p -adic Eigencurve by Coleman and Mazur [4]. A p -stabilized classical weight one eigenform corresponds then to a point on the ordinary component of the Eigencurve, which is closely related to Hida theory. An important result of Hida [11] states that an ordinary cuspform of weight at least two is a specialization of a unique, up to Galois conjugacy, primitive Hida family. Geometrically this translates into the smoothness of the Eigencurve at that point (in fact, Hida proves more, namely that the map to the weight space is etale at that point). Whereas Hida's result continues to hold at all non-critical classical points of weight two or more [13], there are examples where this fails in weight one [6].

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