
Given a weight two modular form f with associated p-adic Galois representation V_f, for certain quadratic imaginary fields K one can construct canonical classes in the Galois cohomology of V_f by taking the Kummer images of Heegner points on the modular abelian variety attached to f. We show that these classes can be interpolated as f varies in a Hida family, and construct an Euler system of big Heegner points for Hida's universal ordinary deformation of V_f. We show that the specialization of this big Euler system to any form in the Hida family is nontrivial, extending results of Cornut and Vatsal from modular forms of weight two and trivial character to all ordinary modular forms, and propose a horizontal nonvanishing conjecture for these cohomology classes. The horizontal nonvanishing conjecture implies, via the theory of Euler systems, a conjecture of Greenberg on the generic ranks of Selmer groups in Hida families.

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