Abstract. In this paper the notion of Lie derivative of a tensor fieldT of type (1,1) of real hypersurfaces in complex space forms with re-spect to the generalized Tanaka-Webster connection is introduced andis called generalized Tanaka-Webster Lie derivative. Furthermore, threedimensional real hypersurfaces in non-flat complex space forms whosegeneralized Tanaka-Webster Lie derivative of 1) shape operator, 2) struc-ture Jacobi operator coincides with the covariant derivative of them withrespect to any vector field X orthogonal to ξ are studied. 1. IntroductionA complex space form is an n-dimensional Kahler manifold of constant holo-morphic sectional curvature c. A complete and simply connected complex spaceform is analytically isometric to a complex projective space CP n if c > 0, or toa complex Euclidean space C n if c = 0, or to a complex hyperbolic space CH n if c < 0. The complex projective and complex hyperbolic spaces are callednon-flat complex space forms, since c 6= 0 and the symbol M
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