
Background. The study of the reaction of the immune system organs to the introduction of immunomodulators in nematodes is relevant for the development of treatment regimens. The purpose of the study was to examine the spleen (the organ of immunogenesis that plays an important role in the formation of immunity). In addition, the aim of the study was also to find the morphological changes of nematodes (capsules of trichinella larvae) and the features of siphatiа.
 Materials and methods. In the experiment, 35 white mice were used, which were divided into 5 groups of 7 animals in each group. The first and second groups were injected with 0.004 mg saline solution subcutaneously, the 3rd and 4th groups were injected with polyoxidonium at a dose of 0.004 mg/mouse, the 1st and 3rd groups were infected with trichinella larvae, the 2nd and 4th were spontaneously affected by syphilis, the 5th group served as control. Evaluation of the protective properties of polyoxidonium in laboratory models with trichinosis was carried out by determining the intensity of invasion during postmortem studies of all muscle groups of the animal and siphations by the number of eggs in perianal scrapings.
 Results. The study showed protective efficacy with the introduction of polyoxidonium was 99.43%, 57 ± 20 trichinella larvae / per animal were detected in the entire muscle mass, while only 72% with syphaciosis. The parenchyma of the organ of the spleen is a red-white pulp, in healthy animals the area of the red pulp was 70+5% of the area of the organ, and the white pulp was 26.5+ 5% of the mass of the organ. In animals infected with nematodes, the area of the white pulp increased dramatically to 50% of the organ area or more.
 Conclusion. Significant protective activity of polyoxidonium (99.43%) was established in parasitological studies, which was accompanied by an increase in the area of lymphoid tissue associated with the intestine. When studying histological preparations of the spleen, it was noted that the restructuring of the structure under the action of trichinella and siphacia antigens is of the same type: the ratio of red and white pulp, their cellular composition changes. It was found that in all infected animals, the area of the white pulp increased dramatically by more than 60% with trichinosis and up to 50% with syphacosis of the organ area or more. The final result of this thesis was using polyoxidonium, there was also a decrease in the number of eggs in the control group and changes in the number and actual distribution of trichinella larvae in various muscle groups.

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