
The bioindication method successfully used for integrated assessment of the ecological state of the environmental. Bioindicators are representatives of different classes of poikilothermic amniotes. The immune system of these animals is labile. The spleen which belongs the sanguification and the formation of the immune system is sensitive to various factors. The biomarkers are the morphological parameters, including the relative weight of the spleen and morphometric data the basic structural units. The macro- and microscopic features of the parenchyma, support-contractile apparatus, and lymphoid nodules are characterized in mature spleen poikilothermic vertebrates: wels catfish, marsh frog, green lizards of relatively clean from human contamination zone of Zhytomyr region. The relative weight of the spleen, the relative area of its components and the ratio between them are estimated. Relative spleen weight was 0,086±0,0006 % in fish, 0,1170±0,0215 % in frogs and 0,099±0,021 % in lizards. Microscopic structure of the spleen characterized by clearly formed the red, white pulp and support-contractile apparatus. The support-contractile apparatus form the capsule and trabeculae. It is relative area was 7,04±0,65 % of the fish, 5,39±0,07 % in frogs and 5,21±1,47 % in lizards. The trabecular apparatus is more development in fish, the relative proportion of which was 53,78 %. In frogs and lizards, by contrast, the relative proportion of the capsule was larger and amounted to 68,83 % and 85,61 % respectively. The fish have noted few capsular trabeculae; they are absent in frogs and lizards. The vascular trabeculae were best developed in all studied animals. In the white pulp allocate the lymphoid nodules and lymphoid sheath near the vessels. In nodules the light center is absent and singled out the zone near the vessels. The relative area of the white pulp was 22,14±6,61 % in fish, 15,36±5,71 % in frogs, 13,36±1,80 % in lizards. The red pulp takes large areas of spleen: 70,82±10,76 % in fish, 80,67±6,53 % in frogs, 81,43±7,05 % in lizards. The ratio of the white pulp to red was 1:3,2 (fish), 1:5,25 (frog), 1:5,99 (lizard); the ratio of the stroma to pulp – 1:13,2; 1:24,19; 1:18,19 respectively. The splenic pigment cells have formed the clusters in frogs and constituted centers in fish. The basic morphometric parameters of the spleen: relative weight, the relative area of white and red pulps, the contractile apparatus are change in areas with anthropogenic pressures. The morphological characteristics of the spleen are established as the main test criteria of the organ in normal; their changes will reflect the impact of the factors of different genesis. The parameters should consider for assessing the physiological state of fish and creating optimal conditions for the aquatic during their formation.

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