
Cockerelliella kudremukhensis, sp. nov. breeding on Syzygium sp. and Pseudcockerelliella curvata, gen. et. sp. nov. breeding on Holigarna grahamii are described and illustrated. Pseudcockerelliella, gen. nov. resembles Cockerelliella Sundararaj & David, but differs distinctly in the cephalothoracic suture pattern separating the dorsal disc from submedian area, longitudinal moulting suture not reaching margin and transverse moulting suture extending beyond submarginal furrow, and presence of very narrow thoracic and caudal tracheal furrows without any marking. The species of Cockerelliella are listed and a key to the known species is given. A key to the puparia of whitefly genera in India is also given.

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