
The successful application of modern observing techniques for Leonid storm observations show that meteor (shower) detections will have a bright future if the field will pursue difficult but important questions. How to forecast a satellite threatening meteor storm? What happens to the organic matter in meteors and can this be an important source of prebiotic molecules? What range of variations in composition and morphology exists among cometary grains and what does this tell us about the origin of the solar system? What long-period comets approach Earth orbit and can meteoroid streams provide early warning for giant impacts? What are the sources of interstellar and interplanetary grains? Just to mention a few. To answer these questions will need new technologies and facilities, some of which are being developed for other use. This may include NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared and sub-millimeter Astronomy (SOFIA). In addition, big-science space missions can drive the field if meteor detections are an integral part. Special events, such as meteor outbursts and the “artificial meteor” from the reentry of sample return capsules from interplanetary space, can mobilize observing and theoretical efforts. These and other future opportunities are briefly discussed.

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