
Abstract ENSO teleconnections were originally regarded as a single train of stationary Rossby waves generated by a compact region of enhanced (reduced for La Nina) equatorial convective heating. While more recent studies have greatly enhanced this dynamical picture, the dominant conceptual model of the teleconnections still identifies this monopolar convective heat source as the ultimate driver of the teleconnections. This note presents evidence that the surrounding regions of diabatic cooling are just as important as equatorial heating in producing the ENSO teleconnections. In simulations with a linear diagnostic model, heating and cooling anomalies derived from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis make comparable contributions to the upper-level eddy height anomalies. In particular, remote cooling is just as important as local heating in determining the central longitude of the subtropical El Nino anticyclones. The same diagnos...

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