
Critical temperatures of some binary solutions of weakly interacting low molecular weight polystyrenes dissolved in linear alkanes (oligoethylenes) were measured over the range 0.1 to 100 MPa. While (dT/dP)crit along the upper critical solution (UCS) locus for a “typical blend” is positive, and for the “ typical solution” can be either positive or negative (but is usually negative), there is no essential difference between blend and solution. Rather, the difference in sign is a consequence of the location of the hypercritical point (that point in (T,P)crit space where (dT/dP)crit changes sign, [(dT/dP)crit = 0 and (d2T/dP2)crit>0], also called the double critical point, DCP), which is normally found at P>0 for solutions but is shifted to P<0 for blends.

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