In a recent paper, F. Bombal and P. Cembranos showed that if E is a Banach space such that E* is separable, then C(Q, E), the Banach space of continuous functions from a compact Hausdorff space Q to E, has the Dieudonne property. They asked whether or not the result is still true if one only assumes that E does not contain a copy of l1. In this paper we give a positive answer to their question. As a corollary we show that if E is a subspace of an order continuous Banach lattice, then E has the Dieudonne property if and only if C(Q, E) has the same property. If E is a Banach space and Q is a compact Hausdorff space, then C(Q, E) will stand for the Banach space of the E-valued continuous functions on Q under the supremum norm. A Banach space E is said to have the Dieudonne property if for every Banach space F, any bounded linear operator T: E -> F that transforms weakly Cauchy sequences into weakly convergent sequences is weakly compact. In [3] F. Bombal and P. Cembranos showed that if E is a Banach space such that E* is separable, then C(Q, E) has the Dieudonne property and they asked whether the same result is true when replacing the assumption that E* is separable by supposing only that 11 does not embed in E. In this paper we give a positive answer to their question. Recall that a topological space (X, -y) is said to be Polish if it is homeomorphic to a separable complete metric space and it is said to be analytic if it is the continuous image of a Polish space. A subset A of a topological space (X, y) is said to be coanalytic if its complement (X\A, y) is analytic. Finally A is said to be PCA if it is the continuous image of a coanalytic space. The notations and terminology used and not defined can be found in [5, 8, or 10]. In the proof of Lemma 3 we need the following two results. THEOREM 1 (M. SREBRNY [9]). Let X and Y be two analytic spaces and let F be a multivalued function from X to the subsets of Y, such that its graph is PCA and for which one can prove that for every x c X, F(x) :8 0 using only the axioms of ZFC. Then there exists a universally measurable map f: X -> Y such that f (x) c F(x) for every x E X. THEOREM 2 (I. ASSANI [1, 2]). Let E be a separable Banach space. The set of weakly Cauchy sequences is a coanalytic subset of EN. Received by the editors January 5, 1985. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 46G10, 46B22.
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