Abstract Several past studies have demonstrated improvement in forecasting convective precipitation by decreasing model grid spacing to the point of explicitly resolving deep convection. Real-case convective modeling studies have attempted to identify what model grid spacing feasibly provides the most optimal forecast given computational constraints. While Part I of this manuscript investigated changes in MCS cold pool characteristics with varied vertical and horizontal grid spacing, Part II explores changes in skill for MCS spatial placement, forward speed, and QPFs among runs with decreased horizontal and vertical grid spacing by employing the same WRF-ARW runs as in Part I. QPF forecast skill significantly improved for later portions of the MCS life cycle when decreasing horizontal grid spacing from 3 to 1 km with the part double-moment Thompson microphysics scheme. Some improvements were present in QPFs with higher precipitation amounts in the early stages of MCSs simulated with the single-moment WSM6 microphysics scheme. However, significant improvements were not common with MCS placement or QPF of the entire precipitation swath with either the Thompson or WSM6 schemes, suggesting that the benefit to MCS QPFs with decreased horizontal grid spacings is limited. Furthermore, increasing vertical resolution from 50 to 100 levels worsened WSM6 scheme QPF skill in some cases, suggesting that choices of or improvement in model physics may be equally or more positively impactful to NWP forecasts than grid spacing changes.
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