
ABSTRACT Seven species of venomous snakes are found in Israel, six of them belonging to the family Viperidae and one to the family Elapidae. All these species have been kept in captivity in order to collect venom, to study their behaviour and development and to breed them as far as possible. The ecological conditions under which these species live in nature and their distribution in Israel are described. Most species have to live partly or entirely without drinking water and the problem of their water balance is discussed. It was supposed, but could so far not be proved, that the scale-rubbing behaviour of the genera Echis and Aspis is a water saving device. Of the seven species only Vipera xanthina palaestinae Werner 1938 is described in part I of this paper. This species is the most common of the local venomous snakes and endemic to the area. It must be considered as an euryoecous species, which is found in different biotopes of the northern and central part of Israel and common in rural settlements. Co...

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