
Purpose: the aim of the work is to substantiate methodological approaches to create the most important component of strategic planning – its regulatory framework. The relevance of the chosen topic of this article is due to the fact that in modern conditions, strategic planning is an important tool for ensuring sustainable development and increasing the competitiveness of the domestic economy. It allows you to identify the most important and priority areas of activity, distribute and ensure the effective use of available limited labor, material and, most importantly, financial resources. Today, domestic strategic planning has a number of significant shortcomings, the main one of which, in our opinion, is the lack of reliable initial information for forecasting and analytical calculations. Methods: the methodological basis is the dialectical method of scientific cognition, the systemic and institutional approach to building an effective information base of strategic planning. In the course of research of the current state and level of industrial rationing, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparisons and analogies were used. As a methodological basis of this article, regulatory legal documents were used in the field of strategic planning in Russia, as well as methodological documents that previously operated in the USSR on the regulation of resource consumption. Results: the result of the work are the goals, tasks and requirements for the strategic planning base proposed by the author. The relationship of production rationing with the basic principles of strategic planning is shown - balance and consistency in priorities, goals, objectives, activities, resources and timing; The effectiveness of methods and methods for achieving goals with the least expenditure of resources used. The possibility of the existence of a standardization of labor costs, the consumption of material and production resources, regardless of the form of ownership of the means of production and methods of price regulation, is proved. Conclusions and Relevance: сurrently, direct borrowing of foreign methodological approaches to strategic planning seems to be sufficiently problematic, since they do not take into account (and cannot take into account) the specific realities and mentality of the Russian economy. Therefore, Russia needs to create its own system of state strategic planning, as a methodical basis for the development of a regulatory framework which can be based on the approach proposed in the work.


  • Conclusions and Relevance: сurrently, direct borrowing of foreign methodological approaches to strategic planning seems to be sufficiently problematic, since they do not take into account the specific realities and mentality of the Russian economy

  • Russia needs to create its own system of state strategic planning, as a methodical basis for the development of a regulatory framework which can be based on the approach proposed in the work

  • Принципы формирования «экономического креста» в прогнозировании развития атомного энергопромышленного комплекса // Экономика в промышленности

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Материалы и методы

В качестве методической базы данной статьи использовались нормативно-правовые документы в области организации в России стратегического планирования, а также ранее действовавшие в СССР методические документы по нормированию расхода ресурсов: Федеральный Закон от 28.06. 2014 г. В качестве методической базы данной статьи использовались нормативно-правовые документы в области организации в России стратегического планирования, а также ранее действовавшие в СССР методические документы по нормированию расхода ресурсов: Федеральный Закон от 28.06. No 172-ФЗ «О стратегическом планировании в Российской Федерации; Постановление Правительства РФ от 14.11.2015 No 1234 «О порядке разработки, корректировки, осуществления мониторинга и контроля реализации прогноза социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации на среднесрочный период и признании утратившим силу некоторых актов; Методи-. Research), 2017; 8(2):[297–304] ческие указания по разработке и реализации государственных программ Российской Федерации (приказ Минэкономразвития Российской Федерации от 26.12.2012 No 817). Зарегистрировано в Минюсте России 06.02.2013 No 26871

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