
The asymptotics of the ground state u(r) of the Schrödinger–Newton equation in R3 was determined by V. Moroz and J. van Schaftingen to be u(r)∼Ae−r/r1−‖u‖22/8π for some A>0, in units in which the ground state energy is −1. They left open the value of ‖u‖22, the squared L2 norm of u. Here it is rigorously shown that 21/33π2⩽‖u‖22⩽27/2π3/2. It is reported that numerically ‖u‖22≈14.03π, revealing that the monomial prefactor of e−r increases with r in a concave manner. Asymptotic results are proposed for the Schrödinger–Newton equation with external ∼−K/r potential, and for the related Hartree equation of a bosonic atom or ion.

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