
I am of course very much interested in Dr. Lloyd's communication in this issue of the Journal. As he states, the question investigated was one which arose incidentally in the course of my investigation as to the limits within which we may assume a strict coupling of the Earth's magnetic forces. The following paragraphs are quoted from p. 33 of my paper, which as stated in the title was a “Preliminary Report:”“In the course of this investigation I was led to make some experiments with regard to the first question which concerned Norman—whether magnetization altered the weight, or say mass, of a magnetizable substance. As I have not had the leisure to bring the experiments to a conclusion on this point, the present results should be regarded merely as preliminary to a more serious undertaking. They are herewith given primarily with a view of inciting experimentation on the part of others. I shall be greatly obliged if any one will bring to my attention any past experiments on this point other than those of Norman, as also any future experiments.”

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