
Vasa deferentia opening to the exterior behind the clitellus by two apertures on the ventral side of somite 19. Two copulatory fossae extend from the middle of the ventral side of somite 18 to the middle of the ventral side of somite 20, each fossa with a pair of long, curved setee and an outlet of a prostate gland at its extremities. Internal apertures of the vasa deferentia two pairs; one pair in each of the somites 10 and 11. Seminal vesicles in somites 9, 10, and 11. Testes in somite 12. Spermathecae in three pairs, one pair in each of the somites 7, 8, and 9. Ovaries flabelliforra, situated in somite 13. Internal apertures of oviducts in somite 13; external apertures in somite 14. Setae arranged in four double longitudinal series on the ventral side of the body, each somite bearing four pairs. (Esophagus very short, without calciferous glands. A muscular gizzard in somites 6 and 7. Typhlosole a very slight dorsal fold. Dorsal vessel double, consisting of two tubes fused only at the dissepiments. No subneural blood vessel present. Nephridia tubular, with the nephridiopores in line with the dorsal setse of the external pairs; internal aperture in the somite preceding that in which the gland lies. Brain small, transversely elongated, with slight median anterior and posterior excisions. Praestomium not completely dividing the integument of the first somite.

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