
The activity of the Quadrantid meteor stream is analysed on the basis of radar observations at Budrio (44.5°N, 11.6°E), Italy, in 1983, 1984 and 1987. The Quadrantids have appeared as a prominent meteor stream and the compound activity curve is symmetrical with the maximum at solar longitude 282.69°±0.06° (equinox 1950.0). The maxima in individual years vary and are consistent with visual observations in corresponding years. Mean orbit of the stream as well as the radiant area were derived from 54 photographic Quadrantid orbits compiled from Meteor Data Centre and Nippon Meteor Society. The mean radiant was found at α=230.8°, δ=49.5° and the radiant area is elongated covering an area of 8°×4°. The photographic orbital elements obtained over a period of almost 40 years follow the trend of orbital evolution of the stream proposed by Hugheset al. (1979).

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