
The main strategy for each company is a corporate strategy. Corporate strategy is the process of defining and implementing the organization’s long–term goals and objectives. Corporate strategy is essential to the success of any organization. It helps the organization to focus on its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and develop a plan to address them. It also helps to ensure that all the different departments and units of the organization work towards the same goals and objectives. One of the main reasons for the importance of a corporate strategy is that it provides a basis for decision–making. With a clear strategy, an organization is able to allocate its resources efficiently and effectively, resulting in increased efficiency and profitability. It enables an organization to anticipate and adapt to changes in the business environment. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the concept of «strategy» in the development of the existing enterprise. The features of strategic planning of enterprise work have been considered, the main stages of creation of effective strategy of enterprise business have been determined from definition of goals and tasks to specification of plans for their achievement.

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