Abstract One considers, in this paper, the motion of a mechanical system in a nonstationary field of potential and positional forces, subject to the action of rheonomic holonomic and nonholonomic linear homogeneous constraints. Assuming that differential equations of motion of the system considered satisfy the conditions for the existence of Painleve's integral of energy, formulated in [Painleve, P., 1897. Lecons sur l'integration des equations de la Mecanique, Paris] and [Appell, P., 1911. Traite de mecanique rationnelle, T. II, Dynamique des systemes – Mecanique analitique, Gauthier-Villars, Paris] and generalized in [Covic, V., Veskovic, M., 2004. On stability of motion of a rheonomic system in the field of potential and positional forces, BAMM-1720/2004, No-2233, 93–100] and [Covic, V., Veskovic, M., 2005. Hagedorn's theorem in some special cases of rheonomic systems. Mechanics Research Communications 32 (3), 265–280], the original mechanical system is substituted by an equivalent one whose Lagrangian function, nontransformed with respect to nonholonomic constraints, does not depend on time explicitly. Using the properties of the equivalent system, which, in contrast to the original one, moves in a stationary field of potential forces and in a nonstationary field of gyroscopic forces, the definition of cyclic coordinates is generalized, as well as sufficient conditions for the existence of (cyclic) first integrals, corresponding to coordinates mentioned and linear in velocities are established. Further, the conditions for the existence of steady motion of the system considered are found. In the case of existence of such a motion of the system, the Theorem of Routh's type on stability of that motion, based on the minimum of reduced potential for which it is shown that, in contrast to known cases (see, for example, [Gantmacher, F., 1975. Lectures in Analytical Mechanics. Mir Publisher, Moscow; Neimark, J., Fufaev, N., 1972. Dynamics of Nonholonomic Systems. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI; Pars, L., 1962. An Introduction to Calculus of Variations. Heinemann, London; Karapetyan, A., Rumyantsev, V., 1983. Stability of conservative and dissipative systems. In: Itogi Nauki I Tekhniki: Obschaya Mekh., vol. 6, VINITI, Moscow, pp. 3–128 (in Russian)]), it includes the influence of the positional forces field, is formulated. Thus, the Routh's Theorem on stability of steady motion of a conservative mechanical system is extended to the case of a nonconservative system.
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