
We consider a classical problem of linear stability of convective rolls in a plane layer with stress-free horizontal boundaries near the onset of convection. The problem has been studied by a number of authors, who have shown that rolls of wave number k are unstable with respect to perturbations of different types, if some inequalities relating k and the Rayleigh number R are satisfied. The perturbations involve a large-scale mode. Certain asymptotic dependences between wave numbers of the mode and overcriticality are always assumed in the available proofs of instability. We analyse the stability analytically following the approach of Podvigina (Instability of flows near the onset of convection in a rotating layer with stress-free horizontal boundaries. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 2008, 102, 299–326.) without making a priori assumptions concerning asymptotic relations between small parameters characterising the problem. Instability of rolls to short-scale modes is also considered. Therefore, our analytical results on stability to space-periodic perturbations are exhaustive; they allow us to identify the areas in the (k, R) plane, where convective rolls are stable near the onset. The analytical results are compared with numerical solutions to the eigenvalue problem determining stability of rolls.

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