
We consider stability of steady convective flows in a horizontal layer with stress-free boundaries, heated below and rotating about the vertical axis, in the Boussinesq approximation (the Rayleigh-Benard convection). The flows under consideration are convective rolls or square cells, the latter being asymptotically equal to the sum of two orthogonal rolls of the same wave number k. We assume, that the Rayleigh number R is close to the critical one, R_c(k), for the onset of convective flows of this wave number: R=R_c(k)+epsilon^2; the amplitude of the flows is of the order of epsilon. We show that the flows are always unstable to perturbations, which are a sum of a large-scale mode not involving small scales, and two large-scale modes, modulated by the original rolls rotated by equal small angles in the opposite directions. The maximal growth rate of the instability is of the order of max(epsilon^{8/5},(k-k_c)^2), where k_c is the critical wave number for the onset of convection.

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