
With establishment of fracture toughness test for advance ceramic according ISO/FDIS 23146:2008(E) with the sample test of Single-edge V-Notch Beam/SEVNB, then the researcher related this activity should understand and able to realize how to prepare the sample of advance ceramic in order the requirements of the standard are fulfilled. In contrary with metals and polymers that usually easy to cut as the standard size for testing, the advance ceramics are found much more difficult to prepare since it is very hard and brittles. More even, specifically for fracture toughness test, the level of difficulty is added since the sharp initial crack should be introduced in the edge of the sample. This article introduce method on preparation of advance ceramic for the purpose of fracture toughness test completed with method to introduce the initial sharp V-notch crack which is valid and possible to be measured its length and diameter of the tip that yield valid result of fracture toughness test.

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