This paper analyzes the performance of various predictive quantizing schemes both for noiseless and noisy channels. The fidelity criterion used to define optimum performance is that of minimum mean-squared error. The first part of this paper compares differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) with a system that lacks the feedback around the quantizer. Such a system (that is called D∗PCM in this paper) is actually a pulse code modulation (PCM) system with a prefilter and a postfilter. In the second part of this paper a noise-feedback coding structure is used as a framework for a unified analysis of predictive quantizing schemes with a frequency-weighted mean-squared error as the performance criterion. The last part of this paper extends the analysis to include the effects of channel transmission errors on the overall performance of these predictive quantizing schemes. It is shown that DPCM and D∗PCM when appropriately optimized are less sensitive to channel errors than PCM, and that the performances of DPCM and D∗PCM are almost identical in the case of high bit-error rates.
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