
The article analyzes the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in virtual communication for academic purposes and its consequences. The relevance of the study is explained by frequently arising questions and disputes about the impact of ICT on academic processes: whether ICT are in all aspects favorable, or if virtual communication can provide obtaining the full extent of knowledge and skills and enhance successful interaction between the participants of the academic process. The aims of the research include studying the applicability of ICT in teaching and learning and their influence on the efficiency, on the participants and their relationships, as well as attracting public attention to the problem of possible future replacement of the teacher by ICT and the related dangers. The paper discusses the problems resulting from misinterpretation of the meaning of communication as term and as phenomenon, and drawbacks of introducing virtual communication in academic environment. The authors study practices of teacher-student interaction in the context of distance learning, analyze opinions by specialists from various academic backgrounds and compare practices and results of virtual communication between teachers and students in the academic process. Basing on the results of the research the authors conclude that total and thoughtless reliance on ICT and prevalence of virtual communication over real interaction (or a full replacement of the latter by the former) in academic processes leads to regress of students’ cognitive abilities and decreasing efficiency of social interaction.

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