
Grain is one of three hardware-oriented finalists of the eSTREAM Project. A nonlinear feedback shift register (NFSR) in Grain-like structure is a cascade connection of a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) into an NFSR, in which the characteristic polynomial of the LFSR is primitive and the feedback function of the NFSR is nonsingular. In 2011 Hu and Gong pointed out that the period of the sequence generated by an NFSR in Grain-like structure is a multiple of the period of the sequence generated by its LFSR if the initial state of the LFSR is nonzero. Meanwhile, they proposed an open problem: for fixed feedback functions of an NFSR and an LFSR, determine whether the sequences generated by the NFSR in Grain-like structure can achieve the minimum period, i.e., the period of the LFSR, when the initial state of the LFSR is nonzero, and if they can achieve, provide at least one pair of the initial states of the NFSR and LFSR. Clearly, from a security point of view, it is not preferable if the sequences generated by an NFSR in Grain-like structure achieve the minimum period. This paper converts the open problem into a problem of solving an integer equation with respect to two unknown integers that uniquely correspond to the initial states of the NFSR and LFSR, by viewing the NFSR as a Boolean control network. Based on the integer equation, this paper shows that for any given initial state of an $n$ -stage NFSR and any given nonzero initial state of an $m$ -stage LFSR, the probability that the sequence generated by the NFSR in Grain-like structure achieves the minimum period $2^{m}-1$ is at most $2^{-n}$ . This implies that the probability of the cascade connection used in Grain achieving the minimum period is very small.

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