
Meteorological data recorded at Leh (3520 metres) during the winter (60-61)has been presented. January is the coldest month with lowest maximum and minimum air temperatures, the mean values being -2.4 degree celsius and -13.7 degree celsius respectively. The relative humidity is 48%. The hours of sunshine are also minimum,16 hrs in four days. The solar radiation thermometer reads 20 degree celsius indicating a high solar energy flux on clear days. The sky remains mostly overcast from mid December to mid February. The average wind speed is quite low (range 0.43-5.12 km/hr)with occasional high velocity gusts for short duration. The readings of the solar radiation thermometer are always higher than the ground temperature. The globe thermometer also records a higher temperature except when higher wind speeds affect its readings . A steep temperature gradient is observed beneath the ground surface. rains are scanty and rare. The data provides A basis for working out clothing requirement for comfort

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