
Introduction. The paper considers the Ripuarian dialect group spread on the territory of three modern states – Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The research concentrates on the dialect’s reception by its speakers, while special attention is paid to the language situation in Belgium. Defining the correspondence of state and linguistic borders in this region might be of great current scientific interest.Methodology and sources. The research methodology is based on Russian and foreign studies in dialectology (V. M. Zhirmunskii, F. Münch, W. Haubrichs) and dialectography (K. Haag, A. Bach, J. Kajot and H. Beckers). For the dialects’ characteristics descriptive and comparative methods were used. The analysis of the sociolinguistic situation is based on the works of P. Auer, Th. Frings, J. Kajot and H. Beckers and others. To follow the current dialect speakers’ point of view the data from Belgian Internet-sites and forums were used. Such complex method allows to valuate not only linguogeographic but also the newest extralinguistic facts. Results and discussion. The paper examines the spread and the characteristics of the Ripuarian dialects, the history of their use in Germany, underlining the special role of Cologne’s dialect. The situation with the Ripuarian dialects in modern Eastern Belgium is as well analyzed. Problems of self-identity of the dialect speakers and of dialect’s connection to the High German are also considered.Conclusion. The dependence of linguistic situation in Belgium on political and sociocultural factors, while the state boundaries play a significant role in the self-identity of dialect speakers.

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