
For any set X of points (in any dimension) and any k = 1,2, ..., we introduce the concept of the k-hull of X. This unifies the well-known notion of 'convex hulls' with the notion of 'centers' recently introduced by F.F. Yao. The concept is intimately related to some other concepts (k-belts, k-sets) studied by Edelsbrunner, Welzl, Lovasz, Erdos and others. Several computational problems related to k-hulls are studied here. Some of our algorithms are of interest in themselves because of the techniques employed; in particular, the 'parametric' searching technique of Megiddo is used in a nontrivial way. We will also extend Megiddo's technique to Las Vegas algorithms. Our results have applications to a variety of problems in computational geometry: efficient computation of the 'cut' guaranteed by the classical 'Ham Sandwich theorem', faster preprocessing time for polygon retrieval, and theoretical improvements to a problem of intersecting lines and points posed by Hopcroft.

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