
A graph $G$ is called a complete $r$-partite $(r\geq 2)$ graph, if its vertices can be divided into $r$ non-empty independent sets $V_1,\ldots,V_r$ in a way that each vertex in $V_i$ is adjacent to all the other vertices in $V_j$ for $1\leq i<j\leq r$. Let $K_{n_{1},n_{2},\ldots,n_{r}}$ denote a complete $r$-partite graph with independent sets $V_1,V_2,\ldots,V_r$ of sizes $n_{1},n_{2},\ldots,n_{r}$. An edge-coloring of a graph $G$ with colors $1,2,\ldots,t$ is called an \emph{interval $t$-coloring}, if all colors are used and the colors of edges incident to each vertex of $G$ are distinct and form an interval of integers. In this paper we have obtained some results on the existence and construction of interval edge-colorings of complete $r$-partite graphs. Moreover, we have also derived an upper bound on the number of colors in interval colorings of complete multipartite graphs.

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