
Aim. The presented study aims to develop a conceptual framework for the coordination and development of the competitive advantages of international transit between the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states in an attempt to create a unified transport system within the SCO space.Tasks. The authors assess the prospects of the interconnection and innovative development of the transit transport systems (TTS) of the SCO member states to create a common network of railroads and motorways and a unified transport system within the SCO; analyze the directions and prospects of the digital transformation of the transportation process at interstate junctions; prove that the development of cargo transit by rail, primarily through the improvement of transit transport communication with Afghanistan, is an important prerequisite for ensuring integrated security within the SCO space.Methods. This study uses the methods of systems analysis, evolutionary-institutional theory, econometric modeling, and historical approach.Results. The prospects for TTS interconnection are rooted in the implementation of the Agreement between the SCO member states to create favorable conditions for international road transport. Another promising direction involves creating a common network of railroads to achieve the global goal of establishing a unified transport system within the SCO. Given the fact that the container market has been occupied by Chinese manufacturers, the authors believe that Russian companies can and should take up a significant part of the container platform market (including innovative) within the SCO. The coordination of international transit transport should also be aimed at reducing the empty mileage rates of containers and container platforms. One of the directions for reducing empty mileage includes the formation of a backhaul cargo base and development of logistics schemes. Multimodal (combined) transport requires a single transport document as well as development and implementation of electronic workflows for cargo transit along international transport corridors. To ensure the national security of the SCO member states, first of all, it is necessary to develop rail transport of goods and passengers, which is more subject to control than road transport. It is also necessary to enhance the application of stationary and mobile inspection and examination complexes for the customs and border control of cargo.Conclusions. Realization of the transit transport potential of the SCO member states and creation of a unified transport system within the Organization’s space requires the following conditions to be met: construction of high-end transport communications; expansion of the capacity of overland borders, development of port infrastructure; interconnection of infrastructure integration projects and transit transport systems; interoperability of the transportation process, construction of multimodal transport and logistics centers; digitization of the transportation process, implementation of transport technologies based on artificial intelligence; creation of multimodal digital international corridors; implementation of electronic workfl ws; traceability of cargo transit using electronic seals.

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