
AbstractWe consider the finiteW-algebraU(𝔤,e) associated to a nilpotent elemente∈𝔤 in a simple complex Lie algebra 𝔤 of exceptional type. Using presentations obtained through an algorithm based on the PBW-theorem forU(𝔤,e), we verify a conjecture of Premet, thatU(𝔤,e) always has a 1-dimensional representation when 𝔤 is of typeG2,F4,E6orE7. Thanks to a theorem of Premet, this allows one to deduce the existence of minimal dimension representations of reduced enveloping algebras of modular Lie algebras of the above types. In addition, a theorem of Losev allows us to deduce that there exists a completely prime primitive ideal inU(𝔤) whose associated variety is the coadjoint orbit corresponding to e.

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