
Oleksandr Bohomazov (Olexsander Bohomazov, Alexander Bogomazov), in terms of his creative activity, is known mainly for his paintings, which are considered the most recognizable and original images of Ukrainian art. However, magazine graphic worksof the artist, almost unknown butvery interesting part of his work, is still out of sight of researchers. Although his intensive work in thesphere of magazine graphics continued only throughout 1908–1910s, it was right the time, when the period of his intense search for hisown creative style and everyday work as a graphic artist on the pages of Kyiv newspapers, and the so-called school of“art for all” couldcertainly play an important role in formation of the artist. The article for the first time examines magazine graphic pieces created for theillustrated annex to the newspaper “Kievskaya mysl” (Kyiv Thought) and “Kievskaya iskra” (Kyiv Spark). Graphic materials are systematized, works and monograms are attributed, preparatory works are identified, stylistic characteristics and techniques inherent in O. Bohomazov’s works are determined.

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