
Flax is an agricultural crop for complex use; it is widely used in textile, paint and varnish, electrical, rubber, leather, pharmaceutical, soap-making, as well as food and other industries. The interest in using flax as a food product is explained by its component structure. Flax seeds contain 25–48% oil and up to 30% protein, they also contain nitrogen – up to 5%, ash – up to 4%, fiber – up to 4.5%. Linseed oil contains up to 16–20% oleic fatty acid, 50–60% linolenic acid, 14–17% linoleic acid, 5–7% palmitic acid, 3–4% stearic acid. Recent studies have revealed the amazing healing properties of flaxseed oil, due to the presence of a large amount of linolenic acid in it. Unsaturated fatty acids accelerate the metabolism of cholesterol in the blood and promote its elimination from the body, improve the metabolism of proteins and fats, have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, relieve spasms of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots and tumors. Flaxseed oil significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular and cancer diseases, allergic reactions. Whole flaxseed does not lose its nutritional qualities for 3 years and is widely used in various countries of the world as popular additive to various types of bread and cereal mixtures, for sprinkling confectionery products. The flour obtained from fat-free seeds is used in various mixtures for baking bread and pastry.


  • Лен — одна из древнейших культур земного шара

  • Flax is an agricultural crop for complex use

  • it is widely used in textile

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Лен — одна из древнейших культур земного шара. Археологические находки и литературные данные свидетельствуют о том, что лен возделывался за 7 тыс. лет до нашей эры в древнейших очагах культуры — Ассирии, Вавилонии, Индии, Италии, Месопотамии, Афганистане, Хорезме, Египте и т.д. [1, 2, 3, 4]. Лен культурный (Linum usitatissimum L.), включает 5 подвидов: долгунец Также семена льна используют в выпечке (в виде муки в хлебобулочных изделиях), как пищевые и биологически активные добавки, отруби [7, 8]; В стеблях льна-межеумка содержится свыше 20% грубого волокна для изготовления мешковины, шпагата. Солома льна является ценным сырьем для высококачественной бумаги, картона и других бумажных изделий.

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