
Under the economic torts in general we mean various abuses and illegal actions in economic and financial business, ie acts directed against the economy in the broadest sense. Theoretically, there is a distinction between economic offenses in the narrower and broader sense. According to the narrower understanding, economic crimes are only criminal acts committed in the economy, ie. criminal offenses against the economy and payment transactions as defined in the Criminal Code. On the other hand, according to a broader understanding, economic torts mean all criminal offenses that are prosecuted in court or by other competent authorities. According to this broader understanding, economic offenses include criminal offenses against the economy, but also economic offenses. Article 2 of the Law on Misdemeanors defines a misdemeanor as an illegal act that constitutes a violation of public order or regulations on economic and financial operations, and which is prescribed as such by law or other regulation. Economic misdemeanors therefore represent a special category of criminal offenses against economic and financial operations (a category that previously existed as an independent offense called economic crime and which as such still exists in neighboring countries, such as Serbia). In this regard, the intention of the authors is to point out in the paper the numerous economic violations prescribed by numerous laws and other harsh acts, which are pronounced in the daily work of the bodies responsible for control and inspection.

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