
Intraspecific competition between co-infecting parasites can influence the amount of virulence, or damage, they do to their host. Kin selection theory dictates that infections with related parasite individuals should have lower virulence than infections with unrelated individuals, because they benefit from inclusive fitness and increased host longevity. These predictions have been tested in a variety of microparasite systems, and in larval stage macroparasites within intermediate hosts, but the influence of adult macroparasite relatedness on virulence has not been investigated in definitive hosts. This study used the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni to determine whether definitive hosts infected with related parasites experience lower virulence than hosts infected with unrelated parasites, and to compare the results from intermediate host studies in this system. The presence of unrelated parasites in an infection decreased parasite infectivity, the ability of a parasite to infect a definitive host, and total worm establishment in hosts, impacting the less virulent parasite strain more severely. Unrelated parasite co-infections had similar virulence to the more virulent of the two parasite strains. We combine these findings with complementary studies of the intermediate snail host and describe trade-offs in virulence and selection within the life cycle. Damage to the host by the dominant strain was muted by the presence of a competitor in the intermediate host, but was largely unaffected in the definitive host. Our results in this host–parasite system suggest that unrelated infections may select for higher virulence in definitive hosts while selecting for lower virulence in intermediate hosts.

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