
The Food for thought series is an Open Educational Resource (OER) in video format created by teachers and students in Higher Education (HE) for the academic community. The series offers open bite-size just in-time initial and continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for teachers in HE. Voices and perspectives from practitioners around the globe are shared and provide a broader perspective on learning and teaching. The series shows how OER can remove barriers to learning and professional development (Butcher, 2011) and be brought into mainstream teaching and the learning landscape in HE through academic development activities.The Food for thought series has been used systematically in a variety of academic development activities within the University of Salford and elsewhere. Within this paper, we focus on how the series has been integrated within the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) and specifically the module Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE) to promote reflection on own practice and model the use of OER. The evaluation of this integration is shared here. The impact of the Food for thought series on student learning and the role it played in raising awareness and use of OER are explored. Recommendations are made about how this series could potentially enable wider use, re-use and adaptation for local needs (Lane, 2012) within other professional development activities.

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