
Abstract Background Post-operative renal transplant recipients with diabetes mellitus are managed by ad hoc insulin regimen which is highly variable among providers and transplant centers. We implemented a standardized insulin dosing protocol after renal transplantation based on several key variables particularly post-transplant steroid use. Methods The standardized insulin dosing protocol was implemented on July 1st, 2020. Patients with a history of diabetes mellitus who underwent renal transplants from July 2020-July 2021 were reviewed. After being seen by the endocrinology consultation service, a weight-based insulin dosing protocol based on corticosteroid dose was started and continued for 5 days postoperatively. As a control, data from patients who underwent renal transplantation between January 2019 to December 2019, and were seen by endocrinology for post-op hyperglycemia management, was collected in an identical fashion. Results The post protocol implementation group (N=39) had an average age of 59.6 and of BMI 31 kg/m2 with the majority being type II diabetes mellitus (84%). The control group (N=40) had an average age of 60.4 and BMI of 33 kg/m2. Type II diabetes mellitus similarly represented at 82%. Post-op inpatient target blood glucose was 101-180. Fasting and postprandial blood glucose (BG) data were gathered after chart review. Five hundred fifty-five fasting blood glucose (FSBG) checks were included for post protocol group vs 628 for the control group. Blood glucose was within the target range 37.8% for the protocol group and 28.9% for the control group. There were 8 (1.4%) hypoglycemic episodes (BG <70) in intervention group vs 5 (0.79%) in control group. Hyperglycemia was stratified into 3 tiers: 181-220, 221-300, >300. Hyperglycemia (BG 241-300) was observed 14.9% in the post protocol group vs 22.7%. Severe hyperglycemia (BG>300)was documented in 7.3% post protocol vs 15.6%. Among the post protocol group, no patient was started on insulin drip whereas 5 patients were started on insulin drip in the control groups. Conclusion Renal transplantation patients are susceptible to hypo- and hyperglycemic events leading to poor graft outcomes. Glycemic control is central in reducing event rates. Post renal transplantation diabetes management using a graded insulin protocol in accordance with steroid dosing was highly efficacious in our academic medical center. Using a standardized insulin protocol patients demonstrated superior glucose control and less IV insulin usage. Presentation: No date and time listed

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