
one year (April 2009March 2010) by the Birmingham and Solihull mental Health Foundation Trust (BSHMFT). The study sample consists of an estimated 85 to 100 assessments per month. The study will be reporting findings for the first six months. The research assessment includes data on sociodemographics, diagnosis, ethnicity, objective and subjective measures of risk, level of social support, outcome of assessment and the availability and use of community alternatives to detention. Results: Preliminary results (N=322) show that the average age of those assessed is 40.13 (SD=14.95), with 58.3% men. The largest proportion of ethnic composition of those assessed was White British (44.9%), Black African-Carribean (11.4%), Pakistani (13.9%), Indian (5.3%) and Black African (5.1%). A significant association between ethnicity and gender was found, with more men assessed from Pakistani, Black African and Black African Carribean ethnicity. A significantly greater proportion of Black African and Black AfricanCarribean individuals assessed were living alone. Gender was a significant predictor of the outcome of the assessment, with significantly more men being put on a section 3 (detention for treatment) and a community treatment order (CTO). Discussion: A considerably large proportion of those assessed with the Mental Health Act (MHA) under the BSMHFT are from Black and Minority ethnic (BME) groups, with a significant proportion of the BME group being men and living alone. The gender differences with the outcome of the MHA assessment suggests that more women are likely to be detained under less restrivtive conditions (i.e. Section 2 or informal admission), as well as more men are being put on CTO's within the community. The risk factors associated with the outcomes will be presented and the implications of this research in improving outcomes for Black and Minority ethnic groups will be discussed.

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