
A graph \(G(p,q)\) is said to be odd harmonious if there exists an injection \(f: V(G)\rightarrow\left\{0, 1, 2,\cdots,2q-1\right\}\) such that the induced function \(f^{*}: E(G)\rightarrow\left\{1, 3,\cdots,2q-1\right\}\) defined by \(f^{*}(uv) = f(u)+ f(v)\) is a bijection. In this paper we prove that \(T_p\)- tree, \(T\hat\circ P_m\), \(T\hat\circ 2P_m\), regular bamboo tree, \(C_n\hat\circ P_m\), \(C_n\hat\circ 2P_m\) and subdivided grid graphs are odd harmonious.

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