
Purpose: The OECD DAC presents six evaluation criteria. However, this study searches for additional evaluation criteria so that it can allow ODA evaluators to select appropriate evaluation criteria depending on their evaluation purpose and ODA requirements.
 Originality: Korean government has mechanically applied the six criteria suggested by DAC in evaluating its ODA policy. However, this practice may not meet the various objectives of numerous Korean ODA stakeholders. Thus, it is important to look for additional ODA evaluation criteria which reflect the opinions of the ODA stakeholders. This research aims to make contribution to the field of ODA policy by identifying additional ODA evaluation criteria.
 Methodology: This research used ‘constituency approach’ of organization theory to find additional ODA evaluation criteria. Initially, seven new (additional) evaluation criteria were identified based on the literature on policy evaluation of public administration and on international debates regarding ODA evaluation reform. Then, the seven criteria were presented to relevant stakeholders (or constituents) in government, public agencies, academia/research institutes, and private sector to conduct survey on the adequacy of the standards. The survey data were analyzed by SPSS ANOVA method.
 Result: The ANOVA analyses narrowed down the initial seven additional evaluation criteria to five which consist of Korean-style ODA, mutual cooperation, ownership, diversity/equity/inclusion, and democracy.
 Conclusion and Implication: It is critical to utilize various ODA evaluation criteria to which the ODA constituents can consent. By doing so, ODA policy can adequately evaluate its projects which tend to have diverse objectives and stakeholders. Thus, it is urgently required for the Korean government to adopt new ODA evaluation system, and revise its manuals accordingly.

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