
Periferik lenfadenopati, cocukluk caginda sik karsilasilan bir fizik inceleme bulgusudur. Fizik incelemede lenf bezinin ele gelmesi cocugu izleyen hekim ve ailesi icin sikintili bir durum yaratir. Lenfadenopatilerin cogunda neden tekrarlayan infeksiyonlara ikincil gelisen beniyn reaktif lenf nodu hiperplazisi olmakla birlikte, cesitli kanserlerin seyrinde ilk bulgu olarak da saptanabilir. Ocak 2002- 31 Aralik 2007 tarihleri arasinda Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi Tip Fakultesine periferik lenfadenopati nedeni ile basvuran cocukluk cagi olgularinin epidemiyolojik ozellikleri, klinik ve laboratuvar bulgulari dosyalarindan geriye donuk olarak degerlendirildi. Toplam 203 olgunun onbirinde (%5,42) lenfadenopati benzeri kitle oldugu saptandi ve degerlendirme disinda tutuldu. Geri kalan 192 olgunun verileri analiz edildi. Buna gore lenfadenopati nedeni ile basvuran 192 olgudan 139’unda (%72,4) beniyn nedenler, 53’unde (%27,6) maliyn nedenler saptandi. Maliyn hastalik tanisi alan olgularda yas ortalamasi 9,36±4,50 yil (ortanca 9,8 yil) ve ortalama lenfadenopati capi 3,3±1,9 cm idi. Beniyn hastalik tanisi alan olgularda yas ortalamasi 6,79±4,60 yil (ortanca 5,5 yil) ve ortalama lenfadenopati capi 2,1±1,5 cm olarak saptandi. Olgularin 81’ine (%42,2) tani amaciyla biyopsi yapilmisti. Bunlarin 50’sinde (%61,7) maliyn, 31’inde (%38,2) beniyn nedenler saptandi. Beniyn grupta en sik neden reaktif lenf nodu hiperplazisi (%42,1), maliyn grupta en sik neden lenfoma (%19,3) idi. The Epidemiologic Properties Clinical and Laboratory Findings of the Peripheral Lymphadenopathy Peripheral lymphadenopathy is a frequently encountered physical finding in childhood. A palpable lymph node in the physical examination poses a distressing situation for both the parents and the physician who is following the child. Benign reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, which occurs secondary to recurrent infections, is the most encountered cause of lymphadenopathy, however, it should be kept in mind that it can appear as the primary finding of various cancers. The epidemiologic propertied, clinical and laboratory findings of childhoot cases, who admitted to Medical Faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University between 1 January 2002 and 31 December 2007, were evaluated. The epidemiologic properties, clinical and laboratory findings of the cases were evaluated retrospectively. Lymphadenopathy-like masses were detected in 11 cases (5.42%) of total 203 cases, and were excluded from the study. The data of the remaining 192 cases were analyzed. Benign causes were detected in 139 (72.4%) cases and malignant causes were detected in 53 (27.6%) cases of total 192 cases. The average age of the patients that were diagnosed with malignant disease was 9.36±4.50 years and the mean lymhpadenopathy diameter was 3.3±1.9 cm. The average age of the cases diagnosed with benign disease was 6.79±4.60 years and the mean lymphadenopathy diameter was 2.1±1.5 cm. Biopsy was made from 81 (42,2%) of the cases for diagnosis. Malignant causes were detected in 50 (61,7%) of them and benign causes were detected in the remaining 31(38,2%). The most frequent cause in the benign group was reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (42%) and the most frequent cause in the malignant group was lymphoma (19.3%).

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