
Epidemiological Study of Pediatric Cancer Cases One hundred and forty-five children with tumors, who applied to our clinic for radiation therapy between December 1992 and August 2001 were reviweel in this studv. In d lis review, distribution of disease groups, sex, age and regional distribution were evaluated. The median age was 11 years (0-18). In 139 children with malignant, tumors male/famale ratio was 1.24-/1. Central nervous system (CNS) tumors were seen the most frequently (30.2%). leukemia was the second (17.3%). and lymphoma was the third (15.1%) in frequency. CNS tumors were the more frequently in comparion with other most clinics in our series. On contrary to our series, leukemia was the most common in other series. We consider that if may be resulted from both CNS tumors may be the more being referred tumors than leukemia to radiation oncology clinics and patients with leukemia might lie (realed in other clinics, because there was no pediatric oncolog in our hospital in some period. Bu calismada. Aralik 1992-Agustos 2001 yillari arasinda klinigimize refere edilen 145 cocukluk cagi tumorlu hasla hastalik gruplarinin dagilimi, cinsiyet, yas ve basvurduklari bolge yonunden retrospektif olarak degerlendirilmistir. Calismaya dahil edilen 139 hastanin medyan yasi onbirdir (0-18 yas) ve Erkek/Kiz orani 1.24'dur. Serimizde, santral sinir sistemi (SSS) tumorleri (%30.2) birinci, losemi (%17.3) ikinci ve lenioina (% 15.1) ucuncu siklikta izlenmistir. Klinigimizde diger bir cok merkeze gore SSS tumorlerinin daha fazla, loseminin ise daha az gorulmesinin hem radyasyon onkolojisi kliniklerine SSS tumorlu hastalarin daha fazla relere edilmesinden hem de fakultemizde bir donem pediatrik onkolog bulunmadigindan losemi hastalarinin baska merkezlerde tedavi edilmis olabileceginden kaynaklandigini dusunmekteyiz.

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