
The investigation of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM antibodies in the children by ELISA. t/ In this study 170 girls and 192 boys total 362 children serum investigated for CMV IgM antibody by ELISA 38 cases (: 10.5) were found as CMV IgM positive. For girls, CMV IgM seropositivity was found as 25/170 (% 14.7) and for boys that ratio were found as 13/192 (% 6.7). In this study we investigated CMV IgM seropositivity and the ratio was found as 15/146 (% 11.6) between age of 6 to 10. We can say that in the childhood CMV infections were found as considerebly high and serologic diagnosis can be achieved by measuring IgM antibody. Bu calismada 170 kiz ve 192 erkek olmak uzere 362 cocuk serumunda ELISA ile CMV IgM antikorlari aranmistir. Bu olgulardan 38'inde (% 10.5) CMV IgM seropozitifligi sap¬tanmistir. CMV IgM seropozitifligi kiz cocuklarinda 25/170 (% 14.7) ve erkek cocuk¬larinda 13/192 (% 6.7) oranlarini vermistir. CMV IgM seropozitifliginin yasla ilgisi incelen¬mis ve 6-10 yas grubunda 17/146 (% 11.6) oranlarim verdigi anlasilmistir. Cocukluk yas¬larinda CMV infeksiyonlarinin azimsanmayacak oranlarda bulundugu ve IgM olcumleri ile serolojik taniya gidilebilecegi anlasilmistir.

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